Thursday, May 2, 2013

Why is my body punishing me for NOT being Pregnant?

Periods suck! Especially when your period starts without warning at 5:30 in the morning.... but you know what else sucks? When you are on your period and you want to do your work out for the day. It's down right hard! But as soon as Liam takes his nap I am totally going to be doing today's work out! 

MAY 2, 2013
Day 2!
20 lunges
50 jumping jacks
25 sec plank
Rest day for squats

originally the jumping jacks were called star jumps. And I didn't know what those were. I thought it was jumping in the shape of a star, but then I youTubed them and they are jumping jacks. I can already tell today is going to be a long day...

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

May Mania Challenge!!

Ok! So when I was pregnant I got this iphone app called 'Baby Bump'. It was awesome because there were lots of women who were funny, there was lots of really nifty info and it was a great app. After Liam was born I kept the app and there was a forum called Postpartum Fitness. In this forum these ladies had posted their success stories and it is really fun to read about what different things have worked for them. They have really good ideas and for the month of May there is this challenge called the Muscle Mania May Challenge! It's great for beginners like me, and it's nice to have a list of things to do everyday. So along with my thirty day squat challenge I'm doing this May Mania. Today is my day three of my squat challenge, so I'm up to 60 squats! Woot! Tomorrow is rest day and then Friday I'll start up again with 70 squats.

May Mania Challenge:
Day 1:
10 pushups
20 crunches
20 sec planks
along with my 60 squats